I reallyreallyreally want to go to ALA.

ALA. Let's be real here. It's going to be great. Like powdered doughnut pancake surprise great. Greater even than this:

It's going to be a fantastic opportunity to network, learn new things, and really dig into my career. I'm so incredibly excited about getting started as an information professional, and I want to take every possible opportunity to broaden my horizons while I'm in school. 

But, well, I'm poor. Frankly, I will probably never be able to afford to get myself to an ALA conference, at least not while I'm a student. When it comes down to ALA or my dog's ear medicine, unfortunately ALA is going to lose.

Therefore I would be eternally grateful for this incredible opportunity to go to ALA at no cost, not to mention a stipend to offset my transportation costs. I would be ecstatic about working the conference to give something back to ALA and SILS for providing me with this opportunity.